January 9, 2010 (Remember - NEW LOCATION - Crowne Plaza)


Feature Program - Jerry Simmons "What Writers Need to Know About Publishing"

If you're writing a book, have written a book, or if you've ever thought of writing a book, you won't want to miss this program. Jerry Simmons is a 25 year veteran of New York publishing companies and worked on such bestsellers as Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Bridges of Madison County, and The Celestine Prophecy. Jerry is the author of What Writers Need to Know About Publishing, the founder of www.ReadersWriters.com and one of the foremost advisers to emerging authors.


Introductory Session - Lee WilczynskiUsing the DISC Profile to Improve Presentations, Income, and Relationships"

The DISC Profile is a method of describing, learning, and understanding your own and other people’s behavior. Lee will give a brief introduction to DISC with a focus on understanding how we can use it as a tool to improve our speaking business and our business relationships, drawing from his 30 years of experience with DISC.


Registration & Networking: 8:30am-9:00am

Business Meeting: 9:00am-approximately 9:30am

Introductory Session: 9:30am-9:55am

Featured Presentation: 10:10am-11:45am (includes 10 min. break)

Wrap-up: 11:45am-12:00 noon

Crowne Plaza Hotel - 2829 Williams Blvd. - Kenner, LA - 504.467.5611

R.S.V.P. & membership inquiries to Ellen Martin (ellen@anewleafpo.com or 504.296.1856)

Program questions or comments to Craig Cortello (ccortello@LDV-Enterprises.com or 504.304.7167)